Tag: <span>The Misses</span>

We realised only yesterday that we had tickets for a concert in the 3Arena tonight.

Our normal plan, when going out in the city on a week-night, would be to meet somewhere in the city and have an early-bird dinner before the event. We’d also have a couple of drinks over dinner, as the price of drinks in concert venues is often inflated.

However doing this would not exactly be syn-friendly. When you add the dinner and drinks together we’d probably be way over our syn allocation for the day – and that’s before we’ve even made it the concert!

So what’s our plan of action?

Well this morning I brought both a packed lunch and dinner with me. And so, instead of going out to eat, I’m going to stay late in the office and eat dinner there.

I’ll be having a syn-free meal – actually left-overs from yesterday’s dinner – which I already know will be tasty, delicious, and healthy. And because I’ll still be in the office, I won’t be drinking alcohol with my meal – so that’ll save on some more syns.

The idea then, is to meet up with the misses half an hour before the gig for a quick drink in a local bar, and then head on to the concert.

The misses has also planned ahead for potential post-concert munchies. She’s prepared a chicken curry that’ll be waiting at home. So should we be hungry, we’ll be able to avoid the temptation to get a take-away, as there’s a tasty and healthy alternative ready to eat.

Hopefully all this will help ensure we end up having a great night – but also a healthy night!

My Story Slimming World

I wrote last week about how the idea of going for my five stones peaked my competitive spirit. Well it seems to have paid off!

I was so determined this last week, that nothing would derail me from my goal of getting to my 5 stones, and as it happened I ended up losing 4½ pounds this week, and have now lost a total of 5 stone 1½ pounds! That’s the lightest I’ve been in about 10 years!

Even on Friday night when we went to a leaving drinks party for some friends who are emigrating to Spain, I kept my determination. When everyone around me was downing pints and scoffing pizza, I nursed two gins & slimline tonic (4 syns each) over the course of the night. And that was with the rugby on!

When the misses bought me some chocolate eggs as a treat, I didn’t eat them. When there was cake at work, I didn’t have any. When everyone was having Chinese takeaway for lunch on Friday, I was happy with my salad.

I didn’t feel I was depriving myself of anything. I was making conscious decisions to avoid things that would derail the progress towards my goal. And I’m so delighted at having achieved it!

Onwards and upwards towards the 5 and a half!

My Story Slimming World

At class this week it was pointed out to me that both me and the misses are just 3 pounds away from our next ‘stone’ awards! In my case, I’m 3 pounds away from my 5 stone loss, and for the misses, it’s her 3 stones.

Having lost 3½ pounds this last week, it seemed to me to be a ‘big ask’ to lose another 3 pounds the following week, so I dismissed the idea at the time. But we talked about it when we got home, and agreed that we’d give it a go, and see if we could both lose 3 this week.

Now my dear lady wife is generally the more competitive one between the two of us, but the idea of working towards a target has really solidified my determination for this week. Of course, it also means that I’m going to obsess about my progress for the whole week, and will probably be jumping on the scales every day to track progress.

The weigh-in is next Wednesday. Wish me luck!

My Story Slimming World

One of the effects of losing some weight is that I now have to buy new (smaller) clothes.

Some of the shirts that used to only just fit me (we are talking straining buttons here) are now too big on me. And trousers that used to fit snugly are now falling down.

I’ve lost inches from all over, which is wonderful. And the best thing is that I am now beginning to fit into clothes sold in normal clothes shops – albeit the largest sizes they stock – instead of having to buy clothes from specialist ‘big man’ retailers.

Indeed, I was delighted last week to be able to go into T K Maxx with the misses and actually find a couple of things that I both liked and that fitted me well. It was a revelation to me, as in the past I’ve just concentrated on finding things that go around me, rather than worrying about how they looked!

I’ve also been suit shopping this week for an upcoming wedding. My original plan had been to wear the suit I got married in 3 years ago, but when I tried it on I found it was too big. So I’ve bought a new one that’s 6 inches smaller in the jacket, and 4 inches smaller in the trousers.

My Story Slimming World

I’m not feeling very good about my recent weight-loss, or lack thereof.

The figures don’t lie. For the first two months when I joined Slimming World I was going great guns. In just nine weeks I had lost 2½ stones, averaging a loss of about 4 pounds a week. It was falling off me, and I was winning Slimmer of the Week or Month almost every week. It seemed easy. Follow the plan, eat plenty of speed, and enjoy my syns – and the weight loss will follow.

However, we then went on holiday at the start of September and it all fell apart. We enjoyed our break, and ate and drank well, and it made a dent – albeit not a large one – in my progress. But ever since, I’ve done terribly. My weight has yo-yoed up and down from week to week for the last 2 months; so much so that during September and October I’ve only lost a total of 2 pounds!

I went from losing an average of 4 pounds a week to only 2 pounds in two months. That’s not good.

It can only be attributed to one thing. I’ve been going off-plan far too many times in the last while. I guess I’d grown a bit complacent, and told myself I could cheat on the odd day and get away with it. But I’ve not been getting away with it. Every time I’ve raided the cupboards at home, or thrown caution to the wind when ordering a meal out, it’s come back to bite me in the ass.

To be honest, I feel pretty disgusted with myself, and I feel a total fraud for accepting the Mr Sleek award in group during the week. I really don’t deserve it. Not based on my recent lack of progress.

I’ve lost my way, and I need to find my way back. Because I don’t want to quit. I don’t want to give up and go back to how I used to me. My life is already immeasurably better for losing 3 stone, and I know it could be even better for losing another 3 stone or more. I just need to renew my determination.

I need to question every decision. Every time someone places a menu in front of me, every time I go food shopping, every time I pass a convenience store, and every time I open the fridge door. I need to remind myself, every time, why I’m doing this. And each and every time I need to make a better decision. I need to ignore the voices that tell me I can cheat “just this once”, because inevitably there ends up being far too many “just this once” times.

My amazing wife, who is on this Slimming World journey with me, has suggested to me that I need to go back to basics. She has suggested that I re-read my food optimising book, and start keeping a food diary. And when she said it, I must admit at the time I pretty much dismissed the ideas. But upon reflection, I’m starting to think she’s right. Maybe I do need to start again from scratch, and follow the plan to the letter.

My Story Slimming World

I spent a couple of days in hospital earlier this week, with a bit of health scare. Luckily I was given the all-clear, and was allowed to go home after a 34 hour stay.

I arrived in hospital about 12 noon on Tuesday, having only had a small bowl of Bran Flakes that morning. As I waited in the A&E waiting room, I was too nervous to think about eating. But by the time that dinner time came around, I was starving!

So I was delighted to see the catering person pushing a squeaking trolley in my direction. I was less delighted, however, when they offered me either a pre-packaged ham or egg sandwich – on white bread – together with a cup of tea. And that was it! That was dinner!

I was so hungry, I would have gladly eaten the arm off the old lady in the bed next to me, and all they offer me is a two pieces of plastic bread and a slice of ham? The sandwich barely lasted 10 seconds, and if anything I was more hungry having finished it!

The Misses was duly dispatched to find the hospital canteen, but it was closed. The only thing open was a coffee shop, and the only food on offer was more sandwiches/wraps, crisps, and cakes/biscuits! So much for healthy eating in a hospital! There was not a sign of a piece of fruit, a vegetable, or a even a leaf of salad.

Due to the limited choices on offer, all thoughts of food optimisation swiftly left my mind, and I ravenously tore into a tuna and egg wrap, a bag of crisps, a flapjack bar, and a bottle of diet club orange. Not the best dinner I have ever had in my life, but it was better than nothing.

The choice for breakfast the next day wasn’t any better. I was given two small slices of wholewheat bread, some butter, jam and a (full-fat) yoghurt. I don’t really like yoghurts, but it was the only thing on offer, so I ate it.

I was then told that I was to be nil-by-mouth for the rest of the day, as they were trying to get me on a list for a surgical procedure later that day. So I had to lie there on my A&E trolley for the rest of the day listening to my tummy rumbling.

I did go and have the procedure at about 5.00pm, and thankfully it all went well, but by the time I got back to my bed, I had missed the dinner service. And the only thing the staff could offer me to eat was… more bread! This time in the shape of two slices of toast.

In the course of 30 odd hours in hospital, I had been fed 6 slices of bread, butter, a slice of ham, and a yoghurt – a very bread-centred diet I’m sure you’ll agree, and one that no-doubt added up to a lot of syns – not that I bothered trying to count them!

I was eventually released from hospital at 9.00pm on the Wednesday, and was still starving hungry. And at that time of night, having just endured two stress-filled days on an A&E trolley, and having only had about 2 hours sleep the previous night, the last thing I wanted to do was prepare a delicious syn-free healthy dinner.

I was on the phone to the chinese takeaway before we had even left the hospital grounds, and some 20 minutes later I was lustily tucking into a hot steaming bowl of prawn curry and boiled rice. My first hot food in 48 hours, and my first meal that wasn’t full of bread!

My Story Slimming World