Tag: <span>Loss</span>

What started as a joke quickly turned into a competition.

Some people in my group don’t like to set a mini target. I’m not sure why. Maybe they feel they are setting themselves up for a fall. I’m sure everyone has their own reasons. However it means that my consultant is sometimes a little hesitant to ask.

Last week, however, this conversation started in group that quickly escalated. And before I knew it, there seemed to be loads of people setting mini targets to lose 4 pounds by the next week. I think most people were in a bit of a post-Easter slump, and feeling a bit rotten off the back of eating their own body weight in chocolate, and needed some kind of boost.

With so many people aiming to go for the 4 pounds, it seemed to escalate into a mini competition between people in the class. Some were aiming for their next award, and others just wanted to shift some of the gains over the last couple of weeks.

I wasn’t one of the people with a 4 pound mini target, but I seem to have got swept up in the big-loss fever and ended up losing 6 pounds, with which I was delighted. It also boosted a whole load of other people, and we seemed to have big losses right across the group. Some lost 3 pounds, two people lost 4½ pounds, and one member even lost 8 pounds in a single week!

It’s amazing what a bit of competition can do!

My Story Slimming World

I wrote last week about how the idea of going for my five stones peaked my competitive spirit. Well it seems to have paid off!

I was so determined this last week, that nothing would derail me from my goal of getting to my 5 stones, and as it happened I ended up losing 4½ pounds this week, and have now lost a total of 5 stone 1½ pounds! That’s the lightest I’ve been in about 10 years!

Even on Friday night when we went to a leaving drinks party for some friends who are emigrating to Spain, I kept my determination. When everyone around me was downing pints and scoffing pizza, I nursed two gins & slimline tonic (4 syns each) over the course of the night. And that was with the rugby on!

When the misses bought me some chocolate eggs as a treat, I didn’t eat them. When there was cake at work, I didn’t have any. When everyone was having Chinese takeaway for lunch on Friday, I was happy with my salad.

I didn’t feel I was depriving myself of anything. I was making conscious decisions to avoid things that would derail the progress towards my goal. And I’m so delighted at having achieved it!

Onwards and upwards towards the 5 and a half!

My Story Slimming World

It’s the 10th of January, and the Christmas and New Year break is already a dim and distant memory.

Gone are the long lie-ins. Gone are the days spent languishing on the sofa. And gone are the hourly trips to the fridge to graze on all the worst food possible!

We’re back at work, and we’re back on plan!

Over the break we enjoyed a very nice Christmas, a two-night trip over to Galway (party capital of western Ireland), and an amazing wedding. Indeed, we indulged so much that when it came to New Year’s Eve, we opted to stay at home and give our livers a rest.

But it took till our first Slimming World class of 2017 to encourage us back on plan. However before that we needed to find out what damage we had done over the last 2 weeks.

The class was somewhat busier than normal last week, so it was easy to hide amongst the crowd. I had literally not set foot on a set of scales for 2 weeks, and so I had no clue what my weight would be. And so it was with some trepidation that I stepped gingerly onto the scales.

I was pretty such I had gained weight. But by how much?

Well, I actually LOST weight – 1½ pounds in fact!

All that wine and chocolate, and sausages, and everything else I had enjoyed over the holidays hadn’t done the damage I feared. I guess the fact that I stayed on plan up until Christmas Day itself may have helped me mitigate my excesses.

The only down side was that, because there were loads of new members joining the Slimming World class, our consultant didn’t have any time to do the usual Image Therapy, and as such nobody in class heard about my amazing achievement!

Oh well. I’ll just have to keep losing again this week!

UPDATE: I forgot to mention, back in December I had set myself an interim target to try and achieve a 4 stone loss by Christmas. And you know what, I only went and did it! In the space of 6 months I lost 4 stones, which I think is amazing. Now If I can just lose another 4 stones over the next year!

My Story Slimming World