What started as a joke quickly turned into a competition.
Some people in my group don’t like to set a mini target. I’m not sure why. Maybe they feel they are setting themselves up for a fall. I’m sure everyone has their own reasons. However it means that my consultant is sometimes a little hesitant to ask.
Last week, however, this conversation started in group that quickly escalated. And before I knew it, there seemed to be loads of people setting mini targets to lose 4 pounds by the next week. I think most people were in a bit of a post-Easter slump, and feeling a bit rotten off the back of eating their own body weight in chocolate, and needed some kind of boost.
With so many people aiming to go for the 4 pounds, it seemed to escalate into a mini competition between people in the class. Some were aiming for their next award, and others just wanted to shift some of the gains over the last couple of weeks.
I wasn’t one of the people with a 4 pound mini target, but I seem to have got swept up in the big-loss fever and ended up losing 6 pounds, with which I was delighted. It also boosted a whole load of other people, and we seemed to have big losses right across the group. Some lost 3 pounds, two people lost 4½ pounds, and one member even lost 8 pounds in a single week!
It’s amazing what a bit of competition can do!
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