
Photo taken in June 2016 a few days before I started Slimming World

Hi there! My name is Richard and I live in Dublin, Ireland.

This blog is about my bariatric surgery and weight loss journey.

I used to blog about trying to lose weight using Slimming World. When I followed their healthy eating plan I did lose weight. In fact, one time over the space of a year I managed to lose over 40kg (6 stones) in weight.

However, life had a habit of getting in the way. I would stop eating healthily, and over time the weight would come back on – and in most cases I’d end up heavier than when I started!

I was the typical yo-yo dieter.

So now I’m now trying something different. I had gastric bypass surgery in August 2020 – in the hope I can get down to a more healthy weight, and more importantly keep the weight off.

See how I’m doing on my progress page.

Please feel free to get in contact or write a comment on any blog post. You can also subscribe (bottom of the page) to get an email notification when I write something new.

Thanks for visiting!
