Tag: <span>Chips</span>

People that have followed diet plans in the past are sometimes shocked that the Slimming World Extra Easy plan allows you to eat all the pasta, rice and potatoes that you want.

They’re used to having to deny themselves from eating carbohydrates in order to try and lose weight, and can’t believe that a big bowl of pasta or chips is allowed!

So can I eat as much as I want?

Well, the advice seems to be “Yes, you can… within reason”. You can eat as much dried pasta, rice (white or brown), and potatoes to satisfy your hunger as part of a meal (remembering to have 1/3 speed, of course) and you’ll still be able to lose weight under the Extra Easy plan. But if you eat these carbs to excess then your weight loss will be at risk!

So I guess the message is eat these carbs in moderation. Enjoy the pasta or potatoes on your plate – just make sure they’re not the only thing on your plate!

See my Slimming World Chips recipe for perfect syn-free chips!

Healthy Foods Slimming World

There’s something really comforting about being able to tuck into a plate of chips, and surprisingly enough you can still eat them when doing Slimming World – just as long as they’re low fat!

Preparing these chips is easy, whichever method you use, and the chips are syn-free!

You can use whatever potatoes you prefer, but I prefer Roosters or Maris Piper varieties.

Oven roast method

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  2. Peel and chop your potatoes into chips about 1 cm by 1 cm, as really thin chips can break up too easily.
  3. Add to a pan of cold water, bring to the boil, and par-boil the chips for around 5 minutes.
  4. Drain, and roughen up the edges of the chips by tossing around in a colander for a few seconds.
  5. Pat dry with kitchen roll and transfer to a baking tray.
  6. Spray with Frylight (or another low-syn oil), and put the baking tray in the oven for 15 minutes.
  7. Take out the over, turn the chips over, spray again with Frylight, and roast for a further 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
  8. Season and serve.

Actifry method

This method has the advantage that you can miss out the par-boiling step.

  1. Peel and chop your potatoes into chips about 1 cm by 1 cm, as really thin chips can break up too easily.
  2. Place in Actifry, spray with Frylight (or another low-syn oil), and cook for the recommended time based on the weight of potatoes used and your model of air-fryer.
  3. About half way through cooking, open and spray again with Frylight.
  4. Season and serve.

Recipes Slimming World

Chicken oyster thighs (skin off) with a splash of Frank’s Hot Sauce, SW chips, and mangetout.

Foodstagram Slimming World

Homemade burger with Slimming World chips and salad.

Burgers made using a packet of less than 5% fat minced beef, chopped white onion, and an egg – all blended in a food processor. Served in a Marks & Spencer 60g wholemeal bun (HEB) with bacon medallion and salad. Add ketchup and/or mayonnaise if you have the syns.

Foodstagram Slimming World

Foodstagram Slimming World