Category: <span>Foodstagram</span>

I usually have eggs for breakfast most mornings. They’re really high in protein, so I don’t feel at all hungry during the morning.

I roughly chop up around 150g of mushrooms, and cook them with a few squirts of spray oil until soft, and then add in 3 or 4 whisked eggs to form an omelette.

Foodstagram Slimming World

We tried something new from this month’s Slimming World magazine, and it was lovely!

Foodstagram Slimming World

There’s nothing quite like a cooked breakfast and a steaming hot mug of tea! Bliss! The bacon medallions and Mallon’s Low Fat Gluten Free Sausages ensure that the whole meal is syn-free, which makes it taste all the better!

Foodstagram Slimming World

Roast Chicken dinner with syn-free roast potatoes, tender-stem broccoli, roast butternut and sweet potato, and carrot batons. And a sneaky Yorkshire pudding for 2½ syns!

Foodstagram Slimming World

Sunday night was curry night in our house! My wife prepared the Chicken Tikka Masala recipe from the Fakeaway book, together with the Bombay Bhajis that I cooked a few weeks ago for the Taster Night. Add in some microwaved poppadoms (1½ syns each) and a bottle of Coors Light (5 syns) and you’ve pretty much got the perfect Indian banquet!

Nom nom nom…

Indian Banquet

Foodstagram Slimming World

Lunch a few days ago was a few slices of turkey breast, a lovely home-made salad with balsamic, and some boiled potatoes.

Foodstagram Slimming World