Tag: <span>Support Group</span>

There are two weight loss surgery support groups on Facebook for people in Ireland who have had surgery or are considering it.

The groups are:

Both are private groups that you have to ask to join. But once you’re in you can share your experience with hundreds of other people in Ireland that have had weight loss surgery.

Lots of people ask questions, and receive help and advice from other members. Some are still considering surgery and want to know more. Others are post-operative, and want to share their experience. But overwhelmingly they are both positive and supportive groups.

News Surgery

As far as I know there are very few online resources in Ireland for weight loss surgery patients.

My bariatric team have mentioned that they want to set up some kind of support group, but I haven’t heard that it’s actually started. And I don’t know if they are starting an online support group, one that meets in person, or a blend of the two.

Having weight loss surgery can be a very lonely and emotional journey for a lot of people, and as such it can be a comfort to be able to connect with others going through the same thing and to share experiences and advice. That’s why I thought it would be good to have an online support group in Ireland.

There’s the BariatricPal.com website which is really good and well maintained and used – but it’s predominantly frequented by people from the United States, and their bariatric experience seems to be quite different to that in Ireland.

At the moment I don’t know if there’s enough people out there that would be interested in contributing to an Irish bariatric site. And I’m not sure what the best way of organising it would be. So if anyone has any ideas, let me know.

Update: Since writing this post I have come across two Facebook groups for bariatric patients in Ireland.

My Story Surgery