Tag: <span>Social Media</span>

There are two weight loss surgery support groups on Facebook for people in Ireland who have had surgery or are considering it.

The groups are:

Both are private groups that you have to ask to join. But once you’re in you can share your experience with hundreds of other people in Ireland that have had weight loss surgery.

Lots of people ask questions, and receive help and advice from other members. Some are still considering surgery and want to know more. Others are post-operative, and want to share their experience. But overwhelmingly they are both positive and supportive groups.

News Surgery

Until very recently, I had no idea how big food blogging on Instagram was. There are thousands of people out there using the social network to post photos of the food they eat, as well as other motivational images.

Do a simple search for something like #slimmingworld or #slimmingworldjourney or #swmafia and you’ll see hundreds of thousands of photos from fellow Slimming World members. Many of them post images several times a day, and often have thousands of followers.

It’s an amazing way to get food and recipe ideas, and also be inspired with the progress of others.

Slimming World Instagram

I started posting on Instagram myself a few days ago (@itoffme), but my effort seems really poor in comparison to all the other SW bloggers.

Slimming World