Tag: <span>Blood Tests</span>

I went to my GP yesterday to get my bloods done. This is part of the regular blood tests that I’ll have to get done, to check that the vitamin and mineral levels in blood are good following my bariatric surgery.

My bariatric team requires that I get bloods done:

  • Every 3 months for the first year
  • Every 6 months for the second year
  • Once a year thereafter

I could get my bloods done in the private hospital where I had my operation, but that’s really expensive. I’ve done it in the past, and it’s cost me around €70-100 for each visit. And the public hospital phlebotomy clinics are a bit hit and miss in terms of how long you have to wait.

It’s much easier for me to visit the nurse in my local GP surgery. It does cost me €35 to visit, but the benefit is that the surgery is only a 5 minute walk from my house, so it’s a quick visit.

I also needed to get an injection of Neo-Cytamen (vitamin B12) so I got that done as part of the same appointment. And for an added bonus the nurse also gave me a seasonal flu shot for free as well. So I have ended up with many holes in my arms!

Blood test protocol following bariatric surgery

  • FBC
  • U&E
  • LFTs (including Albumin)
  • Thyroid function tests (TSH, free T4)
  • Bone profile (calcium, phosphate, ALP)
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folate
  • Iron studies (ferritin, serum iron, TIBC)
  • Zinc
  • Lipid profile
  • Magnesium
  • 25-Hydroxyvitamin D

Medication Surgery

It’s six weeks since my gastric bypass surgery, and I was back in hospital today as an out-patient to have a follow-up consultation with my surgeon.

I was delighted to report that I had lost nearly 14 kg since surgery – just over 2 stones. The surgeon said that at the 6-week mark they would ideally be looking for about an 8% loss in weight, and I was more or less bang on target.

We talked about the medications and supplements I was on, and about the fact that my bloods would be checked in a few weeks before my next hospital appointment with the dietician in December. And we also talked about the vitamin B12 injection that I have to get soon.

I asked about my low levels of energy, and also about feeling cold, and she said that both of these were perfectly normal side effects of losing weight, and would rectify themselves over time.

Generally she seemed delighted by my progress, and that I could start to progress onto a more normal diet. I don’t need to restrict myself to soft foods any more, and can start to introduce new things into my diet and see how I can tollerate them.

My Story Surgery