Tag: <span>Weight Gain</span>

It’s close to 2 years since my Gastric Bypass surgery, and my initial weight loss after surgery was over 40kg (about six and a half stones). However, over the last year I’ve put nearly 9kg (nearly one and a half stones) of that back on!

My current progress

Looking at it one way, it’s good news – because I’ve only put on 9kg in a year, which is significantly less than I would have gained without the surgery. Without the surgery to limit what I can eat, I could have easily gained the full 40kg (and probably more) back within the year.

However, I’m not happy that I’m gaining weight again. I don’t mind a gain of one or two kilos, but 9kg is a lot. It has an impact upon my health, and my ability to live life to the full. It also means that I now have to buy bigger clothes again – having gone from 2XL to 3XL shirts.

The good news is that I’m still under the care of the bariatric team at St Vincent’s Private Hospital, and I’m due to have my 2-year follow-up visit in a few weeks. At this point of the journey the bariatric team would be looking to discharge me from their care, but I think I will have one last ask from them before I depart.

I want to see whether there’s any drugs out there that can help me lose a bit more weight – to at least take off the 9kg that I’ve regained. I know that there’s one or two options out there, and I also know that they’re hard to find and also quite expensive, but I want to give them a go.

I guess I’ll see what the doctors say.

Surgery Weight

I had my first weekly weight gain today since my gastric bypass surgery 6 months ago in August.

The gain was only 0.6 kg (just over 1 lb) so it’s not huge. And from experience of losing weight in the past, I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.

I’ve found that my body weight fluctuates up and down on different days all the time. And that’s not because I’ve eaten more or less on a certain day, or exercised more or less. I think it’s just how the body works sometimes. It’s probably down to the amount of fluid in the body. But I’m not sure whether – as a man – I can make any claims about fluid retention!

I try to take a longer-term view on my weight loss. As long as the long-term trend is for my weight to be going down then I’m happy. Although, having said that, it’s hard not to be a little bit disappointed when I jump on the scales for my weekly weigh-in and find that I’ve gone up.

I didn’t do anything different this week in terms of what I ate. We did make homemade pizzas last weekend, but they were still quite healthy. I’ve also been tracking all my food in MyFitnessPal so I know that I’ve only been having between 1,400 and 1,800 calories a day.

Surgery Weight

I weighed myself for the first time in a long time yesterday, and I was pretty shocked at what I saw.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, I’ve been working from home the whole time.

Like a lot of people my regular wardrobe has changed to more casual and stretchy clothes, so I didn’t really notice that I was putting on weight. My polo shirt and stretchy shorts were hiding a multitude of sins, including the fact that my waistline and belly were both slowly growing!

It makes me ashamed to admit this but in the last three months, since the COVID-19 restrictions were brought in, I’ve put on around 20kg (around 3 stones) in weight!

Needless to say, that is not good!

It’s down to combination of these factors:

  • I’m eating a lot more – Being at home all day, I have easier access to food. I’ve been grazing a lot during the day. And without the disapproving looks of my colleagues to moderate my eating activity, I’ve been snacking on treats throughout the day!
  • I’m active less – When I was commuting to the office, I was cycling a 7 km each way, which amounted to about 60 minutes moderate activity a day. I’m not doing that any more. I’m still walking the dogs, but overall my activity levels have dropped significantly.
  • I’m on medication – I don’t know how much of a contributing factor this is, but I recently started on some drugs that list weight gain as a side effect.

Of course the food thing is probably the most significant factor, and it’s the one that I need to address first. I need to stop eating all the snacks, starting now! After all, I can’t go on gaining weight until I get my surgery. That’s not a good idea on so many levels!

The weight I’ve gained in the last while is already affecting my quality of life right now, but more than that, it’s also making the upcoming bariatric surgery potentially more dangerous!

The heavier I am, the most risks there are with having a general anesthetic. And I’m sure it also would make the surgery itself more difficult.

I should remember all of that the next time I reach for a snack or treat.

Surgery Weight