Tag: <span>Anniversary</span>

It’s exactly one year ago today that I went into St Vincent’s Private Hospital in Dublin to get my Gastric Bypass surgery.

It’s been a strange year, what with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s also been a great year in terms of prioritising my health.

My weight loss surgery was never about being slim, because I’m not. I’m still obese. But having lost over 40 kg of weight, I’m a lot more healthy than I was before. And I’ve significantly reduced the risk of life-altering (or indeed life-ending) diseases. And that’s much more important to me!

My obesity disease is under control. I’ve lost weight, and I’ve not immediately put it all back on again, which would happen every time I stopped dieting. The surgery has been an invaluable tool to help me stop overeating, which is great. Even though I have pretty-much reverted to the same diet I had before the surgery, I’m not gaining weight!

And even if I don’t lose any more weight, I’ll still be delighted with the outcome.

I would totally recommend it to anyone that struggles with their weight. In the past I totally fitted the stereotype of a yo-yo dieter. I was use a calorie-counting app, or go to a slimming club, and I would lose 30kg / 5 stones / 70 lbs over the course of 6 months – but then sometime would happen, I would stop using the app or going to the club, old habits would return, and all of the weight I lost (and often more) would return.

However getting the bariatric surgery has helped break that recurring cycle of loss and gain. This time, it’s going to help me keep the weight off!

My Story Surgery

Checking on the calendar, it’s pretty much a year to the date of when I started at Slimming World.

Ideally at this point, I would take the time to review my progress over the year, but I haven’t actually been to class for the last 5 weeks, and I’ve been off-plan for all of that time.

So instead of celebrating my success, I am facing a return to class later today with a definite weight gain of probably a stone, or maybe even more. Because when I fall off-plan, it’s not by a little bit, it’s by a lot!

I could blame my downfall on a number of things – a 10 day holiday to America, a week-long business trip, and a 3-day work event where food and treats were provided – but these activities didn’t force me off-plan. That was my decision. And although it’s difficult to eat healthily when away from home, it’s not impossible – and it’s certainly not an excuse for the ton of chocolate and crisps I’ve eaten lately!

But instead of dwelling on the past, I’m going to move forward. I’m returning to my Slimming Class this evening, and will face my weight gain on the scales – and then I’ll just get on with the business of undoing the damage.

The good thing is that I know that my consultant will be there 100% to support me as I initiate what I’m calling my “Anniversary Reboot”.

I know what I need to do to get back on-plan. And my determination to lose weight has returned. So hopefully, from today forward, I’ll be back on track!

My Story Slimming World