Tag: <span>Chocolate</span>

It’s nearly Christmas, and it’s custom in my company for everyone to receive a gift. In the past it’s been something like a couple of bottles of wine. But this year it’s a huge gift box full of chocolate!

The gift boxes are from Butlers Chocolates and each one contains four different boxes of chocolate, two chocolate bars, and the ingredients for hot chocolate drinks. It’s probably a million calories in total!

In previous years I would have been delighted to receive this, and the chocolate wouldn’t have lasted more than a day or two. I would have been eating it now instead of writing this blog post. But this year, having just had a gastric bypass 3 months ago, I don’t think I should have any of it.

I’m scared that I’ll get dumping syndrome if I eat them, and I’m also scared it would derail my weight loss. You see, I don’t think I could open them and just eat one. I’d want to finish the box!

So the idea will be to get them out of the house and re-gift everything to friends and family.

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