Last updated on Fri, 21st Oct 2022
An award is given out in each group for the Slimmer of the Week. This is given to the person (or persons) who have lost the most weight that week.
The winner is given a certificate and sticker to mark their achievement by the Slimming World consultant.
You are not eligible to be considered for Slimmer of the Week if you meet any of the following criteria:
- You joined last week. The first week’s loss is often out of proportion to a more sustained regular weight loss.
- You gained weight last week. Weigh loss following a gain is sometimes more dramatic.
- You didn’t attend last week. In this case your loss may have covered more than one week. The exception to this is shift workers who often miss weeks due to work commitments – in this case, the consultant may factor this in.
Everyone is asked to bring along a piece of free food each week, to be given to the Slimmer of the Week to congratulate them. Your consultant will normally have a box or basket to collect this contribution.
Slimmer of the Month
The Slimmer of the Month is awarded to the person who has lost the most weight in a given calendar month. It is awarded during the last group meeting of the month.
You don’t have to have attended every week to be eligible for Slimmer of the Month, but you do have to be present at your regular group when it is awarded. If you’re visiting another group on the last week of the month, you can’t win the award in that group.
New members will also have their first week’s loss halved in the calculation of the most weight lost.
If I am eligible for slimmer of the week and I attended an earlier class (same consultant, same day) could I receive it in my usual class that I attend?
Sorry I don’t know the answer to that one. If you find out, please let us know!
You get one award per group day.
Can you get slimmer of the week if you maintained the previous week?
Hi Debbie. Yes I believe you are eligible if you maintained, but best to check with your consultant.
I was slimmer of the week this week and was given a whole basket full of goodies. I’m just wondering if I should have taken it all or just some of it? My consultant handed it to me and was then busy so I couldn’t check with her. It just seems incredibly generous!
Hi Louise. You’ve earned whatever was in the basket that week. It was a great achievement, and well done! I suppose the thing to remember is to pay it forward, and remember to bring something to contribute to the basket for future winners.
Thank you, yes I will do. It’s a lovely idea and has kept me motivated, so I hope I can do the same for others in my group.
Yes you can get slimmer of the week if you maintained the week before just not if you gained
Can you be awarded slimmer of the week if you are a target member
Can you get slimmer of the week if you attend and stay to a different group, or does it have to be the group you joined?
Hi Claire. If memory serves I don’t think you can get SOTW if you are classed as a visitor. Did you get your consultant to transfer your membership to the new group you’re now going to?
Hi Richard can I get slimming of the week if I was previously an online member and transferred over to group last week?
I have loss 3 on my weight and do I get the slimmer of the week award and when I get it then