Last updated on Fri, 21st Oct 2022
I thought it might be useful to define a few Slimming World acronyms that are seen quite commonly on blogs and forums, for any new people that might not be sure what they mean.
Acronym | Definition |
CW | Current Weight |
EE | Extra Easy – the name given to the standard Slimming World food optimisation plan |
HEA / HXA / HEXA | Healthy Extra A – your measured daily allowance of dairy (milk, cheese, etc.) |
HEB / HXB / HEXB | Healthy Extra B – your measured daily allowance of fibre (bread, cereals, crackers, etc.) |
IMAGE | Individual Motivation And Group Experience – sometimes called IMAGE Therapy – the guided discussion that happens in group when the consultant goes from person to person |
NSV | Non Scale Victory – an improvement or benefit of weight loss that doesn’t show on the scales, like an improvement in your health, dropping a dress size, or being able to do things that weren’t possible before |
PAT | Personal Achievement Target – your self-set target weight. It is recorded by the consultant on your behalf, and comes up on the tablet when you weigh-in. |
SOTM | Slimmer of the Month – given out on the last week of the month to the person in class who lost the most weight in that month |
SOTW | Slimming of the Week – award given to the person in class who lost the most weight (excludes new members and those who gained in previous week) |
SP | Speed Protein – a variation on the food optimisation plan where you only eat Speed and Protein foods, and no Free foods – meant to boost weight loss by removing carbs from your diet |
SW | Slimming World |
SW | Starting Weight |
SYNS | Short for ‘Synergy’ |
TW | Target Weight |
I’ll add to this list as other ones occur to me. If you know of any I’ve missed, feel free to add them to the comments.
Is SW safe for a former type 2 diabetic ,currently in remission,continuing to Metformin medication ?